How to save five million dollars? (V)
The history of the back office did not end with the tasks of human resources management, but it also needed to extend to the financial area.
Although human resource management generates several processes for payments, this information must be managed by finance processes.
We had to learn about the management of budgets, projects, objects, financial plan and the various sources of financing.
In fact, it was the first module to be developed, since the management of money for payments is super important, and with 50,000 employees, we are talking about billions and billions of guaranies for various processes.
It has two subsystems, one for managing the financial plan, printing all the receipts, and sending said data to the banking network to credit employee accounts.
The other module are those of the treasury, such as payments with checks, legal discounts, tax withholdings, contributions to unions, and discounts on loans from financial entities authorized by employees.
I am not going to elaborate on other details of the operation of the treasury area, since that will require its own independent articles.
As a curiosity I did a procedure to calculate the value from the operations carried out until today 2021.
The amount is PYG 21,034,962,179,586 / USD 3,236,148,027, at the exchange rate of 6,500 PYG x USD.